Thank you for once again speaking out emphatically against discrimination and hatred of all kinds - against Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ+ people, and anyone else. It cannot be said too often.

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Thanks, Joan. Truly appreciate that.

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I called all 5 Democratic Senators on the list urging them to become advocates for an assault weapons ban and also to become co-sponsors.I talked to 4 reps and left a message with one. As a former West Virginian, I identified myself as such to Senator Manchin's rep and left my message . Thank-you very much for giving us this valuable information.

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Oh my gosh thank you!

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Hum, Tester's office would not take a message from me. Guess I should have looked up zip codes from AZ and lied. Will so that Monday. I targeted senators that I get donation appeals from.

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I did my homework and looked up zips ahead of time. I used 59101. Actually he was the only one that was concerned at all about this.

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Antisemitism was not acceptable in the past and it is still not acceptable today. I was raised Catholic but my heart is with the people of Israel and I will remain supporting their right to live without fear of being exterminated. That said, I also have humanity for the Palestinians in Gaza. They also have a right to live without fear. I do not have a solution except that talking between the 2 sides need to restart. War only destroys it does not bring hope or provide shelter from the carnage.

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I agree. I have no solution either but I know that hate and violence are not the answers. Thank you, Patrick.

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As usual, no human ever answers Sinema's phone lines, even the local Tucson numbers. But I left a message and have to pride myself on not using profanity during the process. She infuriates me and I CAN NOT WAIT to vote for Rueben Gallego to shove her out of that seat.

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She is the absolute worst. I think the only lawmaker I dislike more is that woman from North Carolina who switched parties. Well, and all Republicans. And Joe Manchin. And--never mind. Too many names to list. LOL.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Jessica your words are as encouraging as that of a Rabbi or Minister. Thank you for the continued uplift and feeling of community during hard time.

Not to mention all the activist work you do!

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Thank YOU, Kate.

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I guess I can write a few more letters. Thanks for the nudge!

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

adopted 10 letters - wouldn't have done it without your prompting. I sent 50 postcards this week and did other work and was kind of burnt out. Thanks for the prompting. Headed to the mailbox to mail.

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You made my day! Thank you!

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Yesterday I sent this letter to both of our Senators:

(to Bernie Sanders, Peter Welch)

Clarence Thomas is making a mockery of our laws, as this exerpt from Robert Hubbell's Newsletter indicates: "The New York Times reported in August that Justice Thomas purchased a luxury recreational vehicle with a “loan” from a wealthy friend. Justice Thomas never reported the loan on his financial disclosures and the lender (Anthony Welters) said that the loan was “satisfied.” Keen observers noted that “satisfying” a loan is not necessarily the same thing as “repaying” the loan.

The Senate Finance Committee investigated the loan and has concluded that there is no evidence that Justice Thomas repaid the loan. See Business Insider, Clarence Thomas never paid back a $267,230 loan from a rich friend used to buy a luxury RV, Senate committee finds.

Per Business Insider,

Documents reviewed by the committee included a handwritten note from 2008 in which Welters told Thomas he would no longer seek further payments on the loan. The committee said the note also said Thomas had only made interest payments on the loan.

The evidence suggests that a wealthy friend of Justice Thomas forgave a $267,000 loan, and Thomas failed to report that gift on his financial disclosure forms. This is merely the latest development in an unfolding scandal involving Justice Thomas. Meanwhile, Chief Justice Roberts does nothing."


Is there nothing we the people can do to rein in this crooked judge?

This has nothing to do with partisan issues; it is about integrity, about meeting a basic ethical standard. Clarence Thomas fails to meet even the lowest bar for ethics. Because of him (although there are other offenders of this standard on the court) the Supreme Court of the United States is corrupt. It is dishonest, unethical, and incompetent to dispense 'justice'. This deprives all of us of a critical branch of the government, without which Democracy does not work.

There is no more important issue with our country. We need to fix this without further delay, while we still have a country and at least the intention of a Democracy.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for your comments condemning antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiments.

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The least I can do!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I adopted 5 more letters and called my congresspeople- thank you for always providing such concrete actions and emphasizing moral clarity. Your words lift me up in hard times.

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You are amazing, thank you!

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I respect what you do so much, and I appreciate that you took care just now to indicate that anti Muslim rhetoric is also inexcusable. However, there is a lot of talk from zionists forces that saying anything against Israel as a state is, inherently, antisemitic. This is not the case. You know that, right? I think you do (and I hope that you do), but I am dismayed that this distinction is not clear in your latest update. I am of Jewish descent. And I oppose zionist colonialism. Those two ideas can coexist without my being antisemitic. Jews around the world are speaking up to share my same views. If you have time, I would really appreciate your posting an explanation of your previous message. Again, thank you for all the work you do here. It is incredibly valuable.

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I am talking about flat-out antisemitism. It's not ambiguous. I am not referring to criticisms of Israeli policies. I am referring to Jewish people being physically attacked. To posters of hostages being torn down. This is wrong. I really, really don't want to get into the more nuanced arguments--its outside of my purview and extremely divisive. I'm talking really basic human rights stuff. I'd hoped I was being clear.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

This is truly what I had hoped you meant. And I'm sorry to ask you to take time out of your work to verify. I have been let down by so many these last few weeks, and I just really needed to make sure I didn't have to add you to that list. Again, thank you for taking the time and for all the important work that you do

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Oh my gosh of course. And I'm so sorry you have been let down so much recently. It's been such a terrible few weeks. Sending hugs.

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Criticism against the Israeli government or their policies is not inherently antisemitic. However, vile statements that advocate the razing of Israel to make way for another state and in the process, erasing Jewish life in the area, are antisemitism.

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I'm not interested in erasing Jewish life. I'm not interested in erasing any life. I hope my previous comment didn't give you that impression.

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I didn’t think you were. I meant that are some other people who do want that. Thanks.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Jessica, for bringing up the rise of antisemitism. As a member of the progressive left I am horrified by the rise of antisemitism. It leaves me wondering what my acquaintances on the left really think of me, which is truly frightening. There is a difference between Hamas and Palestinians. Hamas is a terrorist organization that is holding Palestinians hostage. They are using the fuel to supply their tunnels with air. Tunnels are underneath hospitals. You can be both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian. Both groups should be able to live together. For anyone who hasn’t seen this video: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwifqpyN_paCAxWuATQIHcfOAGsQtwJ6BAgaEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Djwvsrybklf8&usg=AOvVaw3kezUiVyUdUj4F0WoDI-yT&opi=89978449

He also wrote a book: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/7779696

Not looking to get into a conversation. Just stating how difficult this is and giving the above resource. Thanks

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Thank you, Leila.

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Thank you Jessica for your wisdom. What a world we are in. Thank you for helping us find a way to act on what is happening in the world today. Climate change is making we homosapsens go crazier than we were.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Jessica! You are knowledgeable and compassionate.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for the link to Navigator

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Isn't that a fascinating piece?

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Dear Saint Jessica,

A small group of women, at a retirement community we call Withering Heights,

sat down for two afternoons to write, address, and stamp 500 postcards to voters in Ohio, NY, and Florida.

Without your infectious enthusiasm, we couldn’t have mustered the effort.

It was fun and easy thanks to TonytheDemocrat.

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Wow! You really made my day with this! Thank you and please thank the Withering Heights group for me! Brava!

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