I tried clicking on the picture of the blond lady with the arrow, but it doesn’t open. Maybe I’m supposed to go to Twitter and hunt up the fellow who posted it?

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DONE! Thanks Jessica for all the actions. Best antidote to the chaos and news.

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Oops .. just read the comments for today and i found the info there!

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I just got around to reading this post with the amazing summary. How can I share this info? I think someone should publish it daily!! It really says it all.

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Tried to call the White House about the Alaska Willow project. Turns out they keep very short hours and limited days for the public phone line. I thinks that's crappy, but next time perhaps publish those hours so lots of people don't waste time calling and become frustrated by not being able to leave a message. Thank you! I love having these spontaneous actions that you list for us to do. I like calling senators and representatives!

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With you on keeping guns away from voting. But oil in Alaska? We need a strong counter-narrative to the Saudis. I think we should push forward.

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