Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you for your explanation of how early voting helps candidates in their GOTV efforts. I didn't know that, as I'm blithely texting away every day. So, we'll drop our ballots soon!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Dater-Voter made me chuckle.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Awesome. Thank you Jessica!

Also here's a list of opportunities to GOTV here: https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/

Here’s a list of textbanks. Once you get trained on them - many allow you to do it anytime between 9am-9pm EST so it’s very convenient.

Note: When you click on the links below, almost all have additional dates you can sign up for so if you can’t do one of the dates below, click on the link to find other dates.

Every Day - AAPI Textbanks - https://mobilize.us/s/XmqauY/r

Every Day - Texas Dems - https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/487259/

Monday/Wed/Thursday - Abigail Spanberger - https://events.democrats.org/event/479070/

Wednesdays/Fridays - MI-5 Dan Kildee - https://www.mobilize.us/dankildee/event/509594/

Tuesdays/Saturday - NY Dems - https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/512447/

Tuesdays/Sundays - Voters of Tomorrow - https://tinyurl.com/bd3z84zt

Fridays - AZ Dems - https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/483834/

Saturday, 10/22 - 10am-12pm PST - Michigan & Nevada - https://mobilize.us/s/y3ANCU/r

Saturday 10/22 - 1-3 pm PST - New York - https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/512447/

Sunday, 10/23 - 11-1pm PST - Voters of Tomorrow - Youth Turnout - https://tinyurl.com/bd3z84zt

Monday, 10/24 - 9am-11am PST - Texas - https://mobilize.us/s/ZJnV86/r

Tuesday, 10/25 - 3-4pm PST - PA-8 Matt Cartwright - https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/518890/

Tuesday, 10/25 - 10am-12pm - Wisconsin Dems - https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/476162/

Wednesday 10/26 - 3-4pm PST - IL-17 - Eric Sorensen - https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/486969/

Wednesday 10/26 - 3-4:30 PST - PA-17 - Chris DeLuzio - https://tinyurl.com/msew8a7s

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Hi Jessica! I am new to your newsletter and absolutely love the information and directions you provide. Thank you! My husband and I got our ballots in the mail on Monday, put them in the drop box on Tuesday, and have already received confirmation of receipt from the CO Sec of State. BIG NEWS! My husband and I have been a divided team- he on one side, me on the other. UNTIL NOW! He voted BLUE in the primaries same as me. 🤗 I didn’t push him- he made up his own mind. So happy that at least one life-long Republican sees what is happening! 👍

I have a few comments.

1) I know Colorado isn’t really a battleground state according to National opinion. However, we have the discussing and shameless Lauren Boebert that we are trying to vote out. Her opponent is doing well. He’s a good guy. If you could ask your audience to check out Adam Frisch, @AdamForColorado and help support him, the blue Colorado voters would appreciate it! (Apparently Boebert doesn’t think blue voters are a threat - she’s too busy doing fund raisers and shaking her ass in TX, FL, TN, etc) I have contributed to Adam’s campaign and totally believe he is better for CO than Bobo

2. Gov Jared Polis is the best Gov Colorado has ever had! He runs this state like a well oiled tractor. Check him out: @PolisForCO. His opponent @GretchenWhitmer is a nut-case and is the one that started the nonsense about children “identifying as cats and dogs, and CO schools have been forced into putting litter boxes in every classroom”. As absurd as this sounds, her and Boebert are actually gaining some traction with this ridiculous LIE. So I would also ask you to share with your audience so we can KEEP COLORADO BLUE!

3. I’ve also been supporting @BetoORourke for Gov in TX. It’s worth giving him a shout out or re-share to some of his posts. The current Gov, Abbott is a disgrace.

Ok - I didn’t mean to make this so long. But I hope I made my points and I really appreciate this platform where I can share them!



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So embarrassed.

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I guess I’ve blown all credibility. But I am on the left side of right.

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Ooopsie - sorry for the wrong info. No excuse.

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Does anyone have instructions on how best to follow bills of interest through scheduled U.S. House and Senate meeting votes? Also, how far in advance of floor action is it most effective to call your Congressional Representative or Senator to request support or opposition to bills coming up for a scheduled vote?

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