Oct 17, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Dear Jessica, Isolating with covid, it's been nice to talk to someone besides myself. As I chat with you in my mind, I keep asking: "Who are you?" You can't be just one person who does so much and touches so many every single day (and night). You saved my sanity over the weekend by asking for volunteer card writers. I mailed my colorful cards this morning to AZ LD 22, reminding voters to write-in Eva Diaz and just had to thank you for knowing what needs to be done by when and for helping so many valiant volunteer groups on the frontlines of this monumental battle. I did have 5 shots, but now understand that you are the secret booster. My spirits have lifted. I can almost breathe. You make my heart sing. Jayne Mackta (Art The Vote).

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Thank you for calling out the need to support Tim Ryan. I live in Ohio and I am talking to women and men (esp black men) who support abortion rights. The USA Today story noted that Tim has a big lead with independent women while JD is leading with independent men (there's a reason I won't let my daughters move back here after college) We CAN win this one but Tim needs $$$. Please give if you can and come to the event Jessica mentioned, Tim is impressive. He's running a great campaign.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Craven

Hey all.... I'm traveling at the moment and have slowed down some of my activism...(altho my fingers are raw from postcards to PA unregistered voters). Please get on Michael Moore's sub stack site and sign up for his newsletters. He is posting EVERY DAY facts and rebuttals to the media's spin that we are going to lose... He is convinced there is going to be a BLUE TSUNAMI, and lays out fact after fact, about why he believes this. He predicted Trump's 2016 win when the media was sure Hilary was going to be a slam dunk. Besides all that, he's funny, irreverent, radical, and digs deep into facts we don't all pay attention to. I don't know if he's right but it is a great read every day... Just like Jessica's posts. Keeps my spirits up and keeps me trying to sort truth from SPIN. AND he has covid right now...

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Quick new idea. Like others, I'm blockwalking and lit-dropping for candidates using Mini-Van. I've been told to stick to the list, which I do. Occasionally I see a sign that makes me think they are likely Dem voters (e.g., BLM sign) but they are not on my Mini-Van turf. Since I've been told to stick to list, I do, but NOW I'm writing/mailing a note to them introducing myself as a neighbor, referencing (and complimenting them on) their sign, and stressing how important it is to vote--then giving them the vote411.org website if they need voting information.

I just feel like I need to do everything I can to get out the vote.

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Hey friends of Jessica! It's nail biting timing with so many races too close to call and polls all over the place. But as Jessica exhorts us every day, anxiety is best channelled into action!

In that spirit, I wanted to let everyone know about an easy, flexible, accessible and convenient way to be on the front lines with voters in key races, NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!

As we all know, INTERACTIVE conversations are THE most important tactic this close to the election. While canvassing ideal, it’s not feasible for most people in blue districts. However, phonebanking IS feasible for every volunteer. Even we organizers can bang out some calls when we have a free window, thanks to Activate America’s “Call Anytime” CallHub platform that is open to everyone! You can make calls on your own most anytime via the CallHub automated dialer which increases the number of live conversations! You will also be are leaving voicemail messages with important voter information. You can hop on when you have a short window of time and make ten calls or so, then hop off until your next free window. It's easy and very gratifying to have live conversations with voters! Watch this 4 minute video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8K7L7776D0 voters. Then you'll be ready to start making calls. It will direct you to all the links you need.

Current campaign options are:

Toss up House races: CA-13 - Adam Gray CA-22 - Rudy Salas CA-41 - Will Rollins CA-45 - Jay Chen PA-07 - Susan Wild

Toss up Senate races: PA - John Fetterman NC - Cheri Beasley NV - Cortez Masto WI - Barnes GA - Warnock

Thanks for making calls and spreading the word!

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Just saw this on Instagram. Wanted to make sure everyone saw this. I love the whole thing -- the message and the very end! https://www.instagram.com/stories/jesscraven101/2951291237629811071/

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Love the new video! Anyone need volunteer or donation recs? I just did a newsletter for family and friends. I've got links to a ton of textbanks (super easy to do - I did two simultaneously last week while answering work emails and calls), canvassing, election integrity as well as targeted donations (based on the latest Q3 fundraising reports). https://us11.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=1ce01226d7c93f240ce04fbb4&id=95c9739107

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