Oct 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

I do not often comment, but please know how appreciated your work is. Thank-you!!!!

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Thank you, Kimberli.

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Even on days when you're pooped, you put favorable winds in our sails. Thank you for your well-targeted hard work, Jessica!

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Appreciate that, John. Or Scott? 😂

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It’s a unified team! 😘😘

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Jessica, I have yet to act but had an idea that many of us could write a postcard to Tuberville to urge him to relinquish his hold over our military. I thought to send out a "call to action" on yours, Heather's, Joyce Vance's (who's from Alabama!), and Robert Hubbell's substacks. No, it may not do any good, but I'm picturing a flood of postcards coming in to his mailbox. Your thoughts about this? I have a draft script but would hope if you are on board with this that you wouldn't mind lending your prolific writing skills to the effort?

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Actually, I like it! Why the heck not! I'm happy to put it in the newsletter if you pull togetehr the address, script, etc.

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Yay! My ask to the readers is:

I plan on sending Tommy Tuberville a postcard asking him to release his hold on our military personnel. It would be awesome if you would join me in doing the same. One postcard, one stamp is all it takes. Do I think it will change the Senator's mind? Not likely. But imagine the flood of postcards we send landing in his mailbox!

Senator Tommy Tuberville

455 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

My suggested script:

"You won, Senator! Now, kindly turn our military personnel back over to We, the People. We need them."

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Don’t get discouraged. When I see how much is happening at the grass roots level on our side-the letter and postcard writing, meetings, donations, phone banking, calls to representatives,etc--I ask myself--do the MAGATS have the same level of action and dedicated support on their side? Or is it all just obnoxious truck flags, yard signs and tee-shirt wearing? Will they stand in line for hours to vote? (Especially if Trump is NOT in th

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Good point! And my answer is an unqualified “no!” They do not have anywhere near the grassroots army that we do. Nor the determination. Nor the numbers.

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I’m 70 and MUCH older than the average Reddit user, but I discovered s/WhitePeopleTwitter and I was pleasantly surprised by the conversation and level of awareness in that tiny corner of social media. Reading the comments is my guilty pleasure--although they do get a bit raunchy at times. I doubt it’s the same demographic you, Hubble, HCR et al are reaching, but I think you’ll like what you see. 28,000 folks on it last time I looked.

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I love this! Thank you! I don't really go on Reddit but I should. So go on and search White People Twitter?

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That should do it—but be careful— you may find yourself going down the time-sucking rabbit hole of redditor topics.

(“Damn that’s interesting” is a good one.)

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Your writing has been the brighter light for this country. I really appreciate your time, effort, and energy for keeping all of us informed with well researched information. Thank you again. Take care yourself now.

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I will. You too, Buc. Thanks.

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I read your post every single day and it's a source of what feels like clean, fresh water to me ... Just wanted to share my disturbance about one approach to this horrible Middle Eastern war that I've been reading and would appreciate feedback; if appropriate and possible. This person who has an online presence states unequivocably that the only good response to what's been happening is to be pro-Israel. I believe he also said that of course the violence in and of itself is horrific. Nowhere did he mention the Palestinians who are now even more trapped than they've been in what looks to be their graveyard, if Israeli promises are anything to go by. Maybe that was an oversight on his part; but if you're going to call out one victim it seems only reasonable to call out all the victims. Who's suffering the most/will suffer the most? What Earthly Difference Does That Make??? I think and feel that the most important thing now is to stop the violence. The politics and who did what and who's at fault and so on should be set aside; it doesn't matter right now. It really doesn't matter. I refuse to say that I'm 'pro' any side of this; it just feels horribly horribly wrong and I'm very disturbed to see it so strongly argued. I don't want to try to balance or estimate who's suffering the most or who's going to be suffering the most, as if it's a competition? Terrorism is wrong. Isn't that where we should put the weight of our thoughts, prayers, actions?

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Craven

Thank you, Meredith, for you thoughtful comments. You are correct! It is not a matter of who is right or wrong, who is suffering the most. It is simply that terrorism, in all forms, is wrong. Thank you for bringing that clear point to this discussion.

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I agree completely, Meredith! Suffering is suffering and it's all awful.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond; I've been feeling very very alone in this thinking and it's wonderful to discover that I'm mistaken. I saw that Bernie Sanders had something profound to say today about what is/isn't important right now in the Middle Eastern war... and Ilhan Omar, as well. But the drums of war are so much louder and I'm old enough to know that their noise blocks out much-needed sounds and words and even the cries of those who are suffering.

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Thank you, Meredith. My thoughts are along these lines as well.

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Another gem, "Thanks for that. It is truly the holding fast to each other that keeps us fortified. So let’s not forget to do that." Blessings, Jessica <3

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Aw thank you, Terry!

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On the ballot?

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